Custom home builders

What is a Custom Built Modular Home?

A custom built property is any house that is measured and constructed to a particular set of requirements and specifications. A modular home is a property that is manufactured within a factory environment, using advanced tools, custom fasteners, pre-cast concrete and on site assembly machinery, before being transported to a specific location ready for a builder or a construction agency to assemble.

What is a custom built modular home?

A modular home can be customised in a range of shapes and forms, so a custom built version would simply encompass both of the above techniques to provide a home owner with a personalised result when it comes to their accommodation. By customising a home, specific features can be added to take full advantage of particular spaces and areas.

In the majority of cases, the property will be manufactured within a factory; where advanced machinery can put walls and door frames together, ready to be covered and packaged. Plenty of people find themselves pursuing this route, as in many ways it can be much cheaper than buying a ready built property in Texas.

Why is this?

Most homes that are being sold will already come with their title deeds – and this information can often dictate the price that a property has been valued at. Although the majority of homes are bought ready-made, and often ready to move in to; a modular home is different. As it will need to be assembled once the components have been completed, the only thing that a home buyer will need to consider is where the house will go.

This can make it an option to purchase a cheap plot of land anywhere that it is available, and then simply cover the costs of the modular property to be constructed. As factories and construction agencies are often well-equipped to develop these types of homes, it’s not unheard of for them to be cheaper than actual properties with foundations.

Once constructed, these houses can be as secure as those made from brick – so the main advantage is the fact that money can be saved in the thousands. Plenty of people consider buying land, and then having a team of experts personalise a home for them. As the construction is taken care of by machinery and computers precise measurements can be taken, and in many cases they can be just as, if not more, accurate than if a builder was to undertake a similar task.

Furthermore, these homes can often be manufactured in very little amounts of time; making them an ideal solution for those that wish to have their home erected sooner rather than later, as opposed to having to wait for physical foundation, brick, and support laying to be undertaken by a contractor. The bits and pieces simply fit together and are built around a frame – allowing them to hold firm and secure in much the same way as a traditional home.

Watch Our Video on Pre Cast Concrete Homes